Sunday, June 7, 2009

We made it!

Hello All!  Just want to let you know that God faithfully brought us safely to HondurasJ Our time in the country has already been eventful- soccer with the kid’s at Good Shepherd, driving through rivers of water running through the streets from yesterday’s rainfall, a surprise gift of watching the US vs. Honduras soccer game and devotional before falling into bed and awaking to a beautiful sunny Sunday. Can’t wait to see where God leads us today! We’ll write more later. Just know that we are safe, we are blessed, and we are delighted in the ways God is being revealed and how He has graciously chosen us to be a blessing- making a difference in the world in the name of and through the power of Jesus.  


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you are all safe. God is good--All the time! We love you EJ and know you are being a blessing. Praying for all there.
Much love,
Mom, Dad, Abbi and Jenni

Anonymous said...

Glad to here that everyone arrived safely. It sounds like you are already involved and busy! John and Garrett, I left you a message on the gmail account. Love you and miss you bunches! Mom and Emily

Megan said...

I'm so glad you all made it safely. I've been praying for you! I wish I could be there, but we're anxiously awaiting the arrival of my sister's baby. Be safe!!

Anonymous said...

It's good to know that you all made it safely. Have fun and god bless.
Moses, Andrew, Debbie, and Todd

Unknown said...

We are glad you made and we know you will do great things this week! We miss you bunches! Anna and JT, hug each other and say it is from me! Love you! Mom

Anonymous said...

Prayers have been answered all ready! Go GOD!!! We love you make us proud!
I love you,
Mom said...

Hi Guys! So glad you are safe and I'm sure you're already having such a wonderful time. Work hard, be safe, and WEAR SUNSCREEN LONDON! We love you Matt, Matty K, E.J., and London!!! Have a blast!
Jenny, Lacey, and Lane